Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Hiking We Will Go!

This past Sunday, a few friends and I embarked on another outdoorsy adventure.  Pretty ambitious for a Sunday, but I did buy new hiking boots while I was home over Christmas, so figured might as well try them out.  We decided to climb Mount Longonot, which is a dormant volcano in the Rift Valley.  The elevation is nearly ten thousand feet, and the hike was about 12 miles in total - 3 miles to the top, then 6 miles around the rim, and another 3 down.  The caldera is perfectly intact, and the view over the 2 mile wide forest floor is amazing.  The guide books all said to look out for wildlife...especially buffalo...but thank goodness the only animal we came across was a lizard!
Another notable part of this adventure was that we rented cars and drove ourselves - we were all feeling pretty smug at figuring out the directions and such on our own.  Usually we have to hire a driver and a guide, but not this time!  Gives you a feeling of independence, that’s for sure.
We got back to Nairobi around 6pm, tired and VERY dusty - I think I brought about half the mountain back with me in my shoes!  I’m definitely becoming a LOT more okay with dust and dirt, which is a big step for me!

 Setting off - this doesn't look so bad!
Think again - this is the view from the TOP back to the place we started! Can you see the gravel road area from the first picture???

Wow, this is what we came for - the view around the volcano rim.  The rim is 6 miles long, and as you can see, the highest point is actually across from us at this point.  We walked the entire rim!

 More views around the rim - to the left of the same spot where the picture above was taken.
Aliya, Vicky, Hilary, Corey, and Jamie at the VERY top - the highest part of the rim!

 Steady as she goes.....don't fall!!
 As you can see, it's very lush inside the crater - a very big contrast to the Great Rift Valley (and all the dirt/sand) on the mountain face.

 Jamie and I on the path around the volcano rim....great views!
 Ed, Shane, and Mike - you don't see them in most of the pictures b/c they set a breakneck pace...we (the ladies) tried to keep up...but it was no use.  These guys are serious athletes!
 Who doesn't love a jumping photo??  This is me at the top of the rim...the highest point of the mountain!
 Of course...everyone wanted a jumping photo...so I had to get down and dirty to get the right angle...I'm not going to lie, it was nice to sit down for a bit!
Hooray for going down the mountain....so much easier than climbing up!!


  1. You climbed a mountain! Way to go!

  2. Hahahahaha I love the "steady as she goes" and jumping photos :) The views are breathtaking! I love you, Hilly.
